Lauri Lebo: Finding Meaning as an Atheist in a Near Death Experience

Journalist and activist Lauri Lebo visited LVH in June to discuss her near-death experience that resulted from a heart attack she suffered in 2016. Many interpret such an event as proof of the afterlife, but Lauri talked about how her NDE changed her for the better through a transcendent, but still secular, experience. Click "read more" below to watch the video and read more about Lauri. 

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Lauri Lebo spent 20 years as a reporter, covering everything from the investigation of two 30-year-old unsolved murders that changed the accepted narrative of her hometown to the last Confederate casualty 135 years after the Battle of Gettysburg. In addition to Devil in Dover, she is also a contributor to The Oxford Handbook of Religion and the American News Media on the subject of Evolution, Creationism and Objectivity in the Press. She was a blogger for Religion Dispatches about creationist attacks on evolution education and has written for Scientific American, Washington Spectator and Public Eye. She is now an activist for public education, working in communications for the Pennsylvania State Education Association. Also, she is a proud card-carrying member of the ACLU and served eight years on the Pennsylvania ACLU Board of Directors.