LVH has a very active calendar of events, including...
- Speaker Series - first Sunday of each month
- Lunching Secularly - first Wednesday of each month
- Discussion Group and Lunch - second Sunday of each month
- Drinking/Dining Skeptically - third Friday of each month
- Book Club - fourth Tuesday of each month
- Seasonal Picnics and Parties
- Movie Outings - scheduled throughout the year
- "Bleed & Feed" Service Project - every 8 weeks on a Saturday morning
- Adopt-a-Highway Road Cleanup - 4+ times per year
- Other Service Projects - scheduled as opportunities arise
LVH also hosts special events just for families with children, and sometimes provides limited childcare at our monthly Speaker Series events. Please see our families page for more information.
Below, you'll find information on events that are already scheduled on our calendar. Please click the links for more information. You may not see many RSVPs on these event pages, as many people RSVP to events on other platforms such as Meetup and Facebook. If you want to get notifications of events as they are posted, please join our LVH Meetup page. We hope to see you at an event soon!