Where do you find inspiration? Who are your role models? In this discussion, we will share stories of both personal role models (family, friends, teachers, etc.) and modern-day or historical figures who inspire you. You may also choose to quote books, articles, or online blogs. As humanists, we look to ourselves and other humans for examples of how to live ethical and meaningful lives rather than any supernatural deity. Who do you think about when you need motivation or a reminder that there's good in the world?
As always, we'll break for lunch partway through. If you'd like to partake in the shared pizza & salad option (including vegan options if desired), please bring $6 cash plus tip. As an alternative, you can order anything off the menu and pay with cash or credit.

Laura Rothkopf and Maddie/jacob rsvped 2018-01-28 11:59:52 -0500